I think we can all agree that sometimes we just want a quick meal that is healthy and certainly not a takeaway.
It could be after that long shift and you just haven't prepared the day or morning before.
Maybe unexpected guests have arrived and you would rather spend more time with guests than cooking..?
Whichever way, sometimes, a quick meal just does the trick.
Here are our 3 Favourite Quick Cook Meats from Mwanaka Farm Shop

1. Beef Frying Steak
Best for:
- Battered Shredded Beef
- Beef Stir Fry
- Beef Chow-Mein
- Fried Steak Slice

image source: Canva
Top Tip!
Tenderise with meat tenderiser hammer for an even quicker fry
Buy Grass Fed Beef Frying Steak Here
2. Beef Boerewors Sausage

They are so easy, you don't even have to cut them before cooking (it's better this way so you can keep the moisture inside).
Simply brush with minimal oil and place on your oven tray for about 20-25 mins at 180-200 degrees C
You can also cook them exactly the same way in the frying pan or on the BBQ

Top Tip
For a succulent, juicy sausage, try as much as you can not to poke holes into it. (use temperature probe to check it's cooked)
Buy Our famous Beef Boerewors Sausage HERE
3. Beef Lean Mince
This is could probably give you the most possibilities, from meatballs, to burgers to chilli con-carne. The choice is yours but time will definitely be saved with our lean Beef Mince.

Image source: Canva : silviarita from Free Photos
Buy Our Grass Fed Lean Beef Mince Here